1. An artist
2. A soloist
3. A football fanatic
4. A size zero
5. An evil overlord
6. A henchman
7. An oenophile
8. A jazz enthusiast
9. A mathematical genius
10. A snooty post-modern deconstructionist
Kath, I’m so with you on all of those! Lima beans used to make me throw up — literally — but at least I can stomach them now, even if I don’t love them.
Dru, you never know about the famous part. Sure you want to tempt the gods with that one? 😉 And I’m definitely with you on Martha Stewart and the politics. A talker? Depends on who I’m with.
Lainey, I LOVED your comment! The wistful, nostalgic tone, your aspirations. And, alas, I have had to give up on those as well.
Of course, Erica. I would have guessed the jazz. Diary of a Blues Goddess actually gave me more of an appreciation for blues and jazz (I think I recall the latter in the book, or maybe I just equate the two and am therefore adding it in). I actually wish I liked it more.
Pam, dear, if the gods want to get their revenge on me by shrinking me back down to the size zero I was in early high school, they are more than welcome. Then I’ll eat tons of delicious stuff, jump to a size two, four, or even six, and be content. With my size, at least. 😉
I would never have been able to tell you I was an oenophile until I looked it up after seeing it written above!
Alas, I will also never be a size 0 (or 2… or, I suspect, 4). Unless vanity sizing continues, and those poor petite women who are already size 00 end up wearing negative sizes.
From your list, I’ve never been 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10. I know I’ll never be a size zero, at least not while I’m alive.
Adding to the list of “nevers:” nuclear physicist, Bill Gates, lima bean lover, and a racist.
I’ll never be your whole list. Adding to that I’ll never be famous, a talker, Martha Stewart and in politics.
*Sigh* I think I’ve finally accepted the fact that I’ll never be a princess or a super model.
With enough wine I can develop an appreciation for jazz, though.
I am already 3. And I guess 5, since I am Demon Baby’s mother, and therefore am an overlord to a Prince of Darkness. I’m also 8.
But I will never be . . .
A singer.
A Republican.
A card-carrying member of the PTA.
A dutiful wife (maybe a wife, but NEVER dutiful).
A Dallas Cowboys fan (love my NY Giants!)
I think you’re awfully bold saying never. That kind of thing just begs the little red gods to come smote you. 😉
Kath, I’m so with you on all of those! Lima beans used to make me throw up — literally — but at least I can stomach them now, even if I don’t love them.
Dru, you never know about the famous part. Sure you want to tempt the gods with that one? 😉 And I’m definitely with you on Martha Stewart and the politics. A talker? Depends on who I’m with.
Lainey, I LOVED your comment! The wistful, nostalgic tone, your aspirations. And, alas, I have had to give up on those as well.
Of course, Erica. I would have guessed the jazz. Diary of a Blues Goddess actually gave me more of an appreciation for blues and jazz (I think I recall the latter in the book, or maybe I just equate the two and am therefore adding it in). I actually wish I liked it more.
Pam, dear, if the gods want to get their revenge on me by shrinking me back down to the size zero I was in early high school, they are more than welcome. Then I’ll eat tons of delicious stuff, jump to a size two, four, or even six, and be content. With my size, at least. 😉
I would never have been able to tell you I was an oenophile until I looked it up after seeing it written above!
Alas, I will also never be a size 0 (or 2… or, I suspect, 4). Unless vanity sizing continues, and those poor petite women who are already size 00 end up wearing negative sizes.
A blonde?
Ouch Robin. 😉 Then again what does it say about me that, at the first oppurtunity I got, I dyed it red?
I’ll take 3,4, 7 and most especially 9 for things I’ll never be. Math is an evil overlord in itself.
Hmm, Probably 10 too.
And to add my own “I’ll never be”‘s:
A rocket scientist
A basketball fan
A person who would turn down a can of coca-cola?
I’ll never be anything on that list either.
Hmm… I’ll never be a Nobel prize winner.